Not great
THE WORST. I have now played 650 games. The AI is a joke no matter what difficulty.
I have been playing this game of pitch for over 9 years and over 4 different phones. While playing, my "app partner" doesn't always play the "move" I would have, but when playing with 4 humans, my "human partner" doesn't either. I came to the store searching for a new game (completely different - not card), and thought, I'll stop by and leave a review... This game is Perfect! I play it at least twice a day for years. Thank you, Craig
Love this game ! Are there updates? AND is this or ever will be compatable with iphone
Fun and customizable.
I love this game. I gave each person a name of a friend, so I can imagine that I am playing against them.
I love this game, it's the only real pitch game out there. Can't find it for iPad though.
Fun, but West wins about 50% of the time. I win about 40%, which leaves North and South to win 5% each. West could bid on a bare 10 and still get high and game. The computer players don't understand to play against the bidding hand.
Best pitch app available. Not great AI but not terrible either. Nice and fast too.
Obvious ai cheating. Ai is so unfair its unplayable. Cant beat the Mathmatically unprobable amazing hands for one ai player every game . Obviously ai plays as if they see your hand and make many plays to back this up. Here is a rundown of most games......Your dealt garbage and the ai makes a high bid. Whatever trump is is the suit you have one low card of so you get to give the cheating ai low every game until you lose.